Sunday, December 16, 2012

10 Easy Tips to Remembering What You Packed and Where in Your Storage Unit

One of the most frustrating parts about packing up your belongings into a storage unit is if you need to find one specific item, but you can't remember where it is! Here are some quick tips to help you remember what you packed, and be able to find anything in your storage unit easily.

1. If you're reusing old boxes, make sure to cross out any descriptions from previous moves that you've made.
2. On the boxes, put the date when you packed the box and when you moved the box into your storage unit.
3. It's very helpful to write a quick description on the side of each of your boxes. This will make it easier when you're unpacking your belongings.
4. Make sure to write the description for the box on multiple sides of it, so that you'll still be able to see what is in it once its all packed.
5. Create a Master List on a piece of paper or in a spreadsheet with #'s and the contents of each of those #'s. Then place that # on the side of each box that is put away in your storage unit. This extra step may take a little longer to do, but it will be well worth the effort later!
6. Take your Master List and tape it to the inside of your storage unit. That way you can use it as a quick reference when you stop by your unit.
7. Remember to group similar items together when you're packing (i.e. kitchen supplies or bath supplies).
8. Before you start throwing things into your storage unit, take a minute to map out specific areas where you want to place certain items. For example in the right hand corner place all of your kitchen supplies. When you come back looking for something, you know you can look in a certain place of your storage unit to find what you're looking for.
9. As a rule of thumb, place your heavier items at the back of the unit, it makes less of a hassle when you're looking for something.
10. Keep a copy of your Master List with you at home, for quick reference if one of your family members is at the unit and needs help.

For more storage tips on maximizing your storage unit, visit us today at:

Have a wonderful day!

Mr. SmartLock
SmartLock Self-Storage
Proudly serving Radford, Blacksburg and Christiansburg, VA.